We all start somewhere....

Off to New York. Here I am on our street in Halifax on my way. Boston is the first stop. I am staying with my roommate, Kathleen, from boarding school in Kodaikanal, South India back in 1971. I spent a year there, and it was formative, particularly the month long travel by third class train around India. Growing up in farm country in rural Ontario, I had an urge to 'see the world' . On to New York, where I will be staying with Roger, a feminist and a geophysicist grad student and a dancer. I will be taking the Red Line from the Upper West Side of Manhattan !

Here is my bio from the Voice of Women website.... do you ever read something about yourself and wonder who that person is? Ever changing....hopefully unstuck, and trying to be awake!

Kathrin Winkler

Kathrin is a teacher, peace activist, artist, mother and grandmother. As a high school art teacher, she was teacher advisor for the social justice and environmental action leadership teams. Her students participated in art projects that raised local and global awareness providing openings to conversations beyond designated curricula. Post retirement included travels, teaching and volunteering with Ekta Parishad (Gandhian Land Rights social movement) and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation. Principles of non-killing, non-violence and non-harm fuel her interest in being a feminist voice in a broken system. She is a Nova Scotia VOW member; a Nova Scotia Zen sangha member and she loves swimming in the ocean. She continues to teach with the Immigration service of Nova Scotia . Bio’s aren’t for book recommendations, but she is grateful for Susan Murphy’s “Minding the Earth, Mending the World…Zen and the Art of Planetary Crisis”, and has adopted the essence of the wisdom that “Everything matters.

From the New York Library Walk....

Wishing you all Strong Wings...
