Nickocy Phillips

Nickocy Philips is a good reminder to be honest and joyful in this lifetime!  We had a brief conversation after  attending the Afghan Women's session "Afghan Women and Sustainable Development: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities."  Nickocy Phillips is the ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago Youths - a youth mentoring programme. As part of her connection to the youth back home she prepared them to ask questions and to participate actively in her experience in New York.

She was live streaming the presentations and one of her youth in Trinidad asked about the hijab.
 I was impressed that Mme. Philips did not shy away from relaying this question because it made me think about the view I always shared in my classroom - all questions are valid. Ask and keep asking - questions are the path to knowledge - and knowledge leads to understanding

 It is a reminder that we all have so much to learn about each other and new knowledge can be shared with others so gracefully. The Afghan Minister of Health who gave the explanation of the hijab to her sister from Trinidad and Tobago clearly indicated that it was her choice to wear it and that we   all have cultural choices.  She welcomed this question and those students and Nickocy acknowledged the sincerity of the response. Who knows where that connection might lead? I love it.

By the way, Nickocy, you look great. I look slightly crazed but it was a long, emotional day:)


  1. In correction its Ambassador Nickocy Phillips of TT Youths Will Rise , TT ( Trinidad & Tobago), and Ambassador Phillips has worked tremendously hard from since the age of 13 years old and has continued that fight with little help and support from her own people, someone so committed to the youths and being a voice and has not even been recognized by the Government nor the people of THA.

    I have been following the Ambassador and the great work she has continued to do and i am convinced that the Ambassador will be the future Prime Minister or Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly. Such person that carries humanity to another level, humble, loving , caring and more words that can't be expressed to show what kind of human being we have.

    As a journalist i will continue to follow and write stories on this fine individual to see her make it to the Prime minister or President of Trinidad and Tobago.

    I fully support her initiative to build a Youth Rehabilitation Facility for the Youths of Tobago and hope that some celebrity or someone in the international arena can fund her..

    Great Job Ambassador


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