Women of New York

A Lion, A Lady and a Kangaroo

Although both lions are male, one was originally named Lady Astor.  This is he/she.

Maybe, Lady Astor could choose the pronoun they instead.

Did you know that  statues of women are often nameless? They may represent "justice" or "liberty". There are 22 statues of men in Central Park, but none of non-fictional women.

Gertrude Stein sits in Bryant
Park.  Gertrude and her Alice B. Toklas differed greatly in their demeanors.  Gertrude was described as hearty and loud. She had a 'laugh like a beefsteak.' Alice was described as "pensive and pale...

In her own words: "You look ridiculous if you dance. You look ridiculous if you don't dance. So, you might as well dance."

The original Kanga, once belonging to Milne's son Christopher Robin Milne. Sadly, Roo is not on display at the NY Public Library as he was lost long ago. Kanga is the only female character that appears in the Winnie the Pooh books and you can visit her on 42nd Street in the Children's Centre of the library.  

The library had another sculpture - a young woman balancing on a branch. I have tried to find out something about that statue, but to no avail. 
